Green Banana Flour Pineapple Shredded Coconut Snacks

Banana Flour Pineapple Date Bites

Organic Green Banana Flour Pineapple Date Bites

  • 1/2 cup pitted dates
  • 1 can Native Forest® Crushed Pineapple (drained)
  • 1 cup Let’s Do…Organic® Organic Green Banana Flour
  • 1/2 cup Let’s Do…Organic® Organic Shredded Coconut
  • Empty the can of pineapple into a sieve with a bowl underneath to catch the juice (and enjoy drinking later). In a food processor, pulse the dates until almost smooth. Add the drained pineapple and pulse until well mixed. Add banana flour and mix until smooth
  • Let the mixture rest for about 10 minutes. Roll into balls and then roll in the shredded coconut.
  • Store in fridge

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Find Great Organic Green Banana Flour Recipes Here.
Purchase Organic Green Banana Flour singles at Edward & Sons store.

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