Desserts Frozen Desserts Heavy Coconut Cream Heavy Coconut Cream Snacks

Vegan Frozen Yogurt Bites

Vegan Frozen Yogurt Bites

Made with Let’s Do Organic Heavy Coconut Cream by Natalie of @feastingonfruit

These Frozen Yogurt Bites are the perfect healthy snack for spring and summer!

They’re made in an ice cube mold and you can customize them with your favorite fruits or toppings!


They’r incredibly easy to make, vegan, healthy and delicious!

The filling is made with dairy-free yogurt, Let’s Do Organic Heavy Coconut Cream and sweetener of choice.

The bottom of the cubes has a granola crust for added crunch!

Start by filling the ice cube tray with granola, and then pour in the filling.

Then you top each cube with chopped fruit, chocolate chips or jam!

We used kiwi, mango, blackberries, dragonfruit, strawberries, passionfruit, currants and chocolate chips.

Freeze the cubes overnight and then pop them out and let them thaw for a few minutes before enjoying!

Frozen Yogurt Cubes



  1. Whisk together dairy-free yogurt, Heavy Coconut Cream, and sweetener. 
  2. Using a silicone ice cube tray(s), place a small spoonful of granola in the bottom of each cavity.
  3. Top each with the yogurt mixture, filling about ¾ of the way.
  4. Top each with chopped fruit and/or chocolate chips, submerging and adding until each cube is filled to the top.
  5. Freeze overnight. 
  6. Pop out of the tray and enjoy! Keep leftovers in the freezer, I like to let them thaw 5-10 minutes before eating.